What makes a Love Letter a Love Letter?

There’s not much time to submit for this months theme. Our philosophy is any art is good art. Some people find solace in making art, and others fine it hard to get their art out there. This month’s theme is ‘Love Letters’, and we hope people haven’t been dissuaded, and we hope you haven’t been thinking ‘I need to pen a love letter.’ Because that’s not the case.

Love Letters aren’t easy. But, they don’t have to be some 19th century ode to someone you find gorgeous (but of course, it can be.) What I love about the internet is the translation of things that appear seemingly one dimensional (just like love letters) into something more accessible. I mean, when the first person wrote a love letter on a typewriter, I’m sure there was some backlash along the lines of ‘But you didn’t put pen to paper! That’s so insincere!’. So of course, you can get typing, you can get penning, you can get your typewriter out, but why keep it limited to words?

Take a selfie. It’s a love letter to yourself. Your best angle, in the best lighting. Or your most artistic take on your face. I find it hard to see this as something non-romantic. Or maybe have someone in the shot, make it about someone else. It’s up to you. Decorate it, put some text, some stickers over it. Make it about love.

Find a picture at home, snap it. Share it, it can be a love letter to that one time you printed film photos, or the park you took this picture.

Paint something, or someone. It can be your love letter to them, or to painting.

Love letters are hardly one dimensional. We’ve had some amazing poems and short pieces come in, but why keep it limited? Express yourself, express your love in a way that you want to. Make it artistic, make it fucking brilliant (because of course you can).

Share your art. Share your love letters. Tweet us, mention us, tag #spaceinyourhead, email us. And most importantly, do your thing!

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